Sunday, July 8, 2007

Gotta Make it to Church on Time

This is my first time to church. We did make it on time, but I slept through the whole thing!

Genius in Training

My favorite toy is the light up star on my Baby Einstein Activity Gym. It is mesmerizing

Oh, I Love My Sister, Miss Weezer!

Weezer and I both want to sit on mom's lap, so we have to scrunch.

And when there is not enough room, she just puts her head on top of mine!

Little Boy, Big Bed

Can you believe that I'm alrealy 5 weeks old. They measured me with a tool box tape measure and got 23.5in. I'm not sure how accurate that is. And according to mom's bathroom scale, I"m 11lbs.

I love sleeping in my parents bed. I will want to do this for many years. This may be a problem!

Happy Birthday America!

Let's hear it for the red, white, and blue!


See, I do cry sometimes.